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omemy tutorials
Apr 07, 2021
In Education Forum
OMEMY welcomes all seekers to this unique platform where knowledge is not bound in shackles of time, location & resources. We understand that your urge to learn emerging concepts is often muted by responsibilities and rigidity of the education system. Visit us whenever you have few minutes for yourself and we promise you will find some new, interesting concepts... bite sized simple tutorials that will help you demystify novel concepts. Our mission is to make information about emerging concepts accessible & understandable....anywhere & anytime!
omemy tutorials
Apr 07, 2021
In Education Forum
The pandemic has changed the way of life, the methods of working and much more for the whole world; and throughout this technology has been our backbone. It has kept the world economy up and running, heck it’s kept us sane through multiple lockdowns by providing a way of keeping contact with peers, relatives, and friend via multiple social media applications. Teachers have tried to make their student’s learning journey as consistent as they possibly could during these terrible times, and this wouldn’t have been possible without the variety of online educations available. An assortment of brilliant tools has kept online learning from being limited to the teacher speaking through the video meeting platform and condemning their students to slow moving, non-interactive classes.
omemy tutorials
Apr 07, 2021
In Education Forum
Picking up from where we left the last post, non-boring online classes using online tools, but the question is how do we plan a class so that it doesn’t leave the students dozing off? Yes, we use online tools but what kind of tools? What else can one do? Now this can’t be generalized as each subject requires different kinds of activities with some being practical in nature and others theoretical so teachers can follow some ground rules – · Keep your camera on and encourage your students to do the same if possible, this helps keep your audience involved. · Don’t be the only person speaking throughout, give students a chance to speak encourage them to do so, again, only if possible. · Use online quiz platforms for Q and A sessions · If the lesson is mainly theory based don’t give all the information on the power point or displayed document. Let the students do a little part their own research and invite them to share their findings. You could provide them with starter links and give them a question sheet of all the points they need to answer. · Add videos to the syllabus. · And last but the most important- Give your students regular breaks as constantly staring in front of a screen can be taxing on the body. Please share your views with the rest of the omemy community by commenting on this post, looking forward to receiving your opinions.
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